Tuesday, February 24, 2009

H2O Flow

For the Past couple of weeks, my floor has been struggling with our water.  As most of us have figured out, the water pressure on our faucets are a lot lower, or they seem to be at least.  This is all due to “the environmental” direction our school wants to take.  The school has replaced all of our faucets with new low flow faucets, so now it seems like it takes twice as long to wash our hands, and really hard to wash our faces.  My floor was going to start a protest, and planned to leave all or our sinks running for 24 hours, but we used our better judgment and decided not to.  I feel that all of our “saved” water is going to water all the new plants that our school put in right in front of the three dorms Cockerel, Morison, and McElvaney.  Is the school really focused on saving water, or did it just need to take our water to water the plants?

Even though I understand making the school more beautiful, I don’t really understand why the school’s main focus at this point seems to be water!  50,000 dollars and they are worried about water?  Really?  I am going into environmental engineering, so most would think that I am down for this cut backs in water, but in reality things that have been so easy have been just now an inconvenience.  Washing my hands takes twice as long, washing off my tooth brush is irritating, and washing my face just pisses me off.  If everything takes twice as long, I would like to propose an experiment offered by my roommate.

Carry a stop with you, and every time you turn on the sink or use the sink, turn the stop watch on and turn it off when done using the sink.  Do this and record the time it takes to do what once took relatively fast.  Then time how long it takes to wash your hands or do things in a regular sink.  Compare the times together, and then let me know your results.  If everything works out like I think it will, by putting in new low flow faucets, the school is actually using a little more water than by using a regular flow.


  1. I have the same issue with water!!! Its so annoying to see the school dumping gallons and gallons of water on plants and grass but then cutting back on water pressure for students. I can no longer clean my razor effectively, I can no longer get enough water pressure when I'm taking my shower. The sad part of this situation is that most plants/grass are being watered to much. There are patches of grass outside my dorm that look like a lake after the sprinklers have hit them and some sprinklers are pointed at the sidewalk. I hear your frustration!!!!

  2. I agree with this issue. Throughout the year I too have had problems with the water pressure. Sometimes the water in the shower will stay hot for about 2 minutes! I like this post because it presents a solution to the problem as well as your opinion. I know that there are a lot of people who can relate to this topic.
